Mayor: Victoria Narancich
City Clerk: Barbara Rodgers
Sam Kelley - Ward 1, Fred Stotlemyre - Ward 1
Tim Ceplina - Ward 2, Sheila Campbell Walker - Ward 2
Don Romines - Ward 3, Angie Gettys - Ward 3
City Attorney: Sean Smith
The Board of Alderman is the governing body of the City of Houston, Missouri and bears the ultimate responsibility for all policies, procedures, and activities of the City government. It consists of six members who are elected by ward from the Houston citizenry.
The Mayor and each member of the Board of Alderman/woman are elected to two-year terms. Their two-year terms are staggered, with three Alderman/women elected every year. After the elections each April, the Board of Alderman elects one of its members to serve as the Mayor Pro-Tem for a one-year term.
Members of the Board of Alderman also serve on special committees that oversees certain areas of City business. These positions are appointed by the Mayor every year for one-year terms.
City Attorney
The City attorney is responsible for drafting all of the ordinances and resolutions that are necessary for the Board of Alderman meetings. The City Attorney serves as the City Attorney to address legal issues when they arise.
Boards and Commissions
Board of Adjustment
The Board of Adjustment is primarily a quasi-judicial body rather than an advisory or legislative one. Terms of office are staggered and appointed by the Mayor.
Houston Housing Authority
Please see the Houston Housing Authority at 200 Chestnut Terrace or call them at 417-967-3394. Terms of office are staggered and appointed by the Mayor.
Industrial Development Authority
Corporation formed and approved by the Board of Alderman in 1980. Terms of office are staggered and appointed by the Mayor.
Planning and Zoning Commission
The Planning and Zoning Commission is primarily an advisory body. Under the zoning regulations, the primary duty of the Houston Planning and Zoning Commission is to hold a hearing where public opinion can be expressed. Terms of office are staggered and appointed by the Mayor.
Parks and Recreation Board
The Parks and Recreation Board meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 6pm at the City of Houston Municipal Swimming Pool. For more information please see the Parks and Recreation page. Terms of office are staggered and appointed by the Mayor.