A live feed for the Board of Alderman meetings will be posted here. Regular Meetings will begin at 6:30 pm. The live feed will expire once the meeting has concluded. A recorded copy of this meeting will be placed under the Recorded Meetings page for viewing and downloading as needed.

Audio Controls:  Select the speaker in the top left-hand corner and use the slider to turn the volume up or down.

Note: If Audio is not working when launching link: Select "Live" -->"LIVE REALTIME" for audio to enable. We highly recommend wearing headphones or using external speakers for the best experience.

Video Controls: To change views, hover your mouse in the top right-hand corner of the screen and select the bottom "360" icon.  The view can be changed to "Immersive view", "Tile view", or "Fish-eye view".

View Board Agenda: February 03, 2025 Council Meeting

Select Link to Join Meeting: Join Meeting Here