Houston Schools is Workforce Ready

In Announcements by Randon Brown

Welcome to Houston High School at Piney River Technical Center (PRTC).  We are excited to provide Career and Technical Education (CTE) to the students of Houston and surrounding communities.  Our primary goals for all CTE programs are to provide high quality learning experiences so that students may successfully obtain respective certifications, produce employable individuals that will immediately enter the workforce upon graduation or prepare students for post-secondary education, and retain highly qualified professionals in and around the Houston Community.

The Houston School District, in cooperation with other other districts, supports and operates the Technical Center. The participating school districts, to date, have been:  Summersville and Plato. 

Secondary programs are offered in Agriculture, Building Trades, Business,  Family and Consumer Science, Health Sciences (CNA, Phlebotomy, and EKG), and Welding (I and II). The district is looking forward to continued program development and adult classes in the future.