The City of Houston Fiber Department is responsible for managing and maintaining the city's fiber optic network, provisioning customers, and taking care of city networks and computer infrastructure. The Fiber Department monitors network performance, oversees user access to the networks, maintains backups of city hardware and software, installs and maintains computer software and hardware,  and plans for network infrastructure upgrades for new applications and services . Our mission is to provide quality internet services to the residents and businesses of the City of Houston. The Department currently consists of two staff members that maintain and administer the networks. The City of Houston Electric Department assists with fiber optic installs on city-owned poles and provides hardware assistance where needed.

IT Director/Network Broadband Specialist: Randon Brown

Fiber/IT Technician: Doug Sutton

Notice: Fiber Customers

All four PON service areas are now operational! We are currently working towards finishing up a backlog of customers that have signed up for internet services.  We appreciate your patience as we continue moving forward.  We assure you that the wait will be worth it!